S1E6 · · 27:51
This week, I talk about my visit to the Seattle Go Center and about the local Go club scene in Southern California. I also respond to some of your comments/messages in our first list...
S1E5 · · 26:26
Sometimes, when you're playing to win, it can stop you from playing because you care too much about the result. Listen to this week's episode of Star Point for one weird trick to mot...
S1E4 · · 31:42
This week, I plead my case: winning in Go is important! I also ask what makes a beautiful game, and talk about trying to escape my never-ending correspondence games. --- Support t...
S1E3 · · 35:35
This week on Star Point, I talk about all the stuff surrounding the surrounding game. That is, things like etiquette and time controls – things that don't have to do as much with the...
S1E2 · · 25:08
In this episode of Star Point, I talk about different "styles" of play in the game of Go. What kinds of styles are there? Where does style come from? --- Support this podcast: htt...
S1E1 · · 20:34
The first episode of Star Point, a podcast about the game of Go! I talk about my experience overcoming language barriers and playing a simul with Kenro Osawa 4p and briefly go over t...